The reviewer was pleased that Folder Size has a clean, professional, and easy-to-use interface and offers the ability to export a chart image, but was irritated by the fact that exporting to XML or CSV was available in the paid version only, and using the feature produced a dialog prompting him to upgrade.
#Disk inventory x malware windows#
Therefore, using Folder Size to "perform spelunking expeditions" into the depths of a hard disk is much more efficient than using Windows File Explorer. In a newer April 2014 review pointed out that users can double-click on a pie slice/bar that represents a folder in order to drill down. If you’re cleaning up old junk off of your hard drive, there’s no doubt it’s useful." No cons are pointed out in the review and the final conclusion of the author is: "Overall Folder Size is a groovy app that does what it advertises. In addition, the "Largest Files" and the "Largest Folders" reports can be viewed instantly for the entire system or a particular folder.

Further, the author explains that the system space can be sorted by folder sizes across the entire system or narrowed down to a specific folder.
#Disk inventory x malware portable#
As an additional benefit is pointed the portable version of the tool which can be used without installation. The review describes that the program has a simple and effective user interface that is similar to the Windows File Explorer and that anyone used to Windows can figure it out right away. He clarifies that If Windows was constantly querying folders for size then the Operating System would see a noticeable performance hit and that is the reason why folder sizes are not available in the native Windows File Explorer application. On November 18, 2012, reviewer notes that the Folder Size application solves the issue of missing folder sizes in Windows Explorer without affecting the performance of a system by scanning a drive only when you request it. CNET observed that the program is basic, however noted that this is generally what is required of such program. According to, as at Sep 2, 2010, the product is a little more cumbersome than necessary but overall was considered to have an edge over SpaceSniffer (freeware alternative) because it had additional functionality and provided more information. The product uses a Windows Explorer-like interface that can show data as either a pie chart or bar graph. htmlįolder Size is a freemium disk space analyzer for Windows written by MindGems.